'The KM school is the best one you can inroll in.'
OMGROFLMAO! Yes, I remember that one!
"in the truth" is one.
"disfellowshipping" is another.. believing in the "faithful & discreet slave" is another..
'The KM school is the best one you can inroll in.'
OMGROFLMAO! Yes, I remember that one!
"in the truth" is one.
"disfellowshipping" is another.. believing in the "faithful & discreet slave" is another..
"Why don't you celebrate Christmas?" "'Cuz I'm not Catholic and Jesus wasn't born on December 25th." "So" "My parents won't let me."
"Why don't you celebrate (pick any holiday)" "'Cuz it's against my religion." "Why?" "Ummm...(Now, what did the Truth book say?)"
"Why don't you try out for sports?" "My parents won't let me." "WHAT?!" "It's against my religion." "Oh...."
More JW school kid experience cliche's that are unique to JW kids.
"in the truth" is one.
"disfellowshipping" is another.. believing in the "faithful & discreet slave" is another..
"Mommy, can I go over to Suzie's house to play?" "No Dear. Bad associations spoils useful habits." "She isn't a bad person." "Does she go to meetings?" "No." "Then, she is bad association." "You mean she's a goat and Jehovah's gonna 'stroy her in Armageddon?" "Well, we don't judge, but if she doesn't go to meetings, yes, Jehovah will destroy her along with all the worldly people."
Now, take the above and multiply it by 7 then multiply the product (7) by 52 then multiply that by 12 and you get 4,368. That is how many times our parents (or we) told that to us or our children. Now multiply that by ~6 1/2 million. 28,392,000,000. I think that makes the list of things unique and cliche' to JW's.
"in the truth" is one.
"disfellowshipping" is another.. believing in the "faithful & discreet slave" is another..
JW's don't use the word "grace" maybe because "Christendom" has a song out by that name, "Amazing Grace," and so many churches are named that, like the Grace Lutheran Church.
The greater Adam
Slave class
Great dragon
666 (by the way, I think the Bible means that as the number of the wild beast that represents the governments of the earth and not Satan.)
144,002 not just 144,001 Gotta count Jehovah and Jesus among the immortals.
That's not theocratic (overheard a friend's mom say that to her when we were little)
My gramma's favorite saying, "We MUST listen to inSTRUCTion!" and "They don't listen to inSTRUCTion." This must be said with a disgusted look on the face . Here is another of hers, "Jehovah's CHRISTIAN Witnesses don't do that!"
i just read the mary/gumby where are they thread.
i want to say right from the start that i like gumball very much.
i've talked by phone to him in the past and we've had some discussions here over the years.
Falsify time service reports? Brilliant! I've done that! I padded my time reports every month just to keep the name pioneer. I felt so guilty doing it but felt they pushed me into it by the high hour requirement. I wonder if anyone else has done that.
some have stated that the jw's go too far with their doctrine, but that much of the basic.
beliefs of the religion are correct.
i don't want to debate whether the bible is correct.. i just want opinions on how much of the jw doctrine agrees with the actual teachings of .
Yeah, I have a problem with that one, too. They seem to think that Jesus said to "keep passing the bread and wine in rememberance of me." To heck with what he says: If you don't drink or eat, you have no place in my kingdom. What makes passing the food the important thing? My kids and I share French bread this way at home because it's easy to serve it that way.
some have stated that the jw's go too far with their doctrine, but that much of the basic.
beliefs of the religion are correct.
i don't want to debate whether the bible is correct.. i just want opinions on how much of the jw doctrine agrees with the actual teachings of .
I believe that a relegion can have all the truth in the world but lacking love, it is worthless in God's eyes like the Pharisees were. They knew everything of the law of Moses but lacked the whole point behind it. Worthless. To me, it doesn't matter how closely the JW's follow the Bible because they miss the whole point behind it. Sounding pieces of brass and clashing symbols.
a few weeks ago i started a thread explaining that i wanted to read the entire bible for the first time.
i had been reading the kjv and i read revelation, john i, ii, ii and then i read john, matthew, mark, luke using the kjv in that order at someone's suggestion here.
i further took the suggestion of the poster and purchased an niv bible.
I too am starting over with the Bible at John by comparing the NWT, NIV, and NKJV. I'm taking an accedemic approach as I have little to no faith. The way I understand the trinity is that there are 3 separate ruling persons who work together in perfect sync as a unit called God. Kind of like a ruling family of 3 with the family name of God. I can't seem to get past the idea of Jesus raising himself from the dead, but that could be because I haven't learned enough of how the body and spirit could be separate. I was told that just Jesus' body died but his spirit lived. I tend to feel that if this is all real, it should be easier to understand, Holy Spirit (might be a person?) or no Holy Spirits assistance. Oh, and by the way, did you notice in the NWT Doubting Thomas asked to see the holes of the nailS in Jesus' hands? Nails plural not singular as would be the case if he died on the cross. Interesting. Oh and another thing, why did Stephen tell Jesus to "receive my spirit" if his soul was going to die too and he would not go to heaven yet?
if i dissassociate here, would my jw family who lives 3,000 miles away find out?
i have no family here.
would this congregation contact my old congregation 3,000 miles away with news of my dissassociation?
Thank you for your info. I guess I am better off fading, doing what I want, and hoping I don't get caught. It's like I'm doing something illegal. I feel like a criminal: celebrating the holidays, smoking once in a while for the flavor of it, associating with "worldly" people. I am thinking of just fading until my grandparents die then going "public" with it. I don't want to hurt them.
i'm having a hard time figuring out if i should da or continue to fade.
i am doing a lot of the things they could df me for and kind of want to beat them to the punch and quit looking over my shoulder, but i'm afraid that if i da, my grandparents will find out.
they live in a different state.
I'm having a hard time figuring out if I should DA or continue to fade. I am doing a lot of the things they could DF me for and kind of want to beat them to the punch and quit looking over my shoulder, but I'm afraid that if I DA, my grandparents will find out. They live in a different state.